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Here's Today's Tip... Think outside the box.

Surely you’ve heard the phrase “think outside the box”; perhaps you’ve even said it yourself a time or two. After all, it’s one of the most well-worn phrases not just in the business world but throughout the realm of real life.

Speaking generally, it means to think differently, unconventionally or from a fresh, different perspective. The saying is an attempt to inspire (and accept) free, creative thinking. While we rely heavily on computers, algorithms and neural networks for so much, those very tools would only be a figment of our imagination had there been no “outside-the-box” thinking.

The origin of “thinking outside the box”, according to many, traces back to the 1960s and the use of the “9 dots” puzzle, which was originally published in 1914 in a book called the Cyclopedia of Puzzles by Sam Lloyd. The puzzle consisted of the following diagram and the instructions: Link all 9 dots using four straight lines or fewer, without lifting the pen and without tracing the same line more than once.

Go ahead and print that out -- probably a few times -- and give it a try. We’ll wait right here for you. What you’ll eventually find (one common solution is found below) is that you’re going to have to think “outside the box” to come up with a solution.

Even though there’s no instruction to stay within the box, most minds immediately tend to build a box, which instantly puts a constraint in place. Thinking outside the box, meanwhile, removes as many constraints as possible -- leading to the most original and innovative solutions.

Thinking outside the box is an incredibly powerful and useful tool; however, it can be a bit scary. After all, it tends to be a bit safer to err on the side of conventional wisdom. The reality, however, is that outside-the-box thinking is a powerful key that can open countless doors:

  • It allows you to generate more possibilities.
  • It forces you to ask questions (i.e., question the status quo)
  • It helps you step outside your comfort zone.
  • It inspires others, helping them step out of their comfort zone.
  • It creates tremendous learning opportunities.
  • It opens doors to unforeseen results.
  • It allows you to stand out from the crowd.
  • It inspires critical thinking skills.

If you tend to struggle with outside-the-box thinking, the next time you’re faced with a problem, approach it from a different perspective. There’s more than one way from point A to point B. Think wide, think differently, or maybe, don’t think at all.

To You, 

Change That Up


The Truth About Tinnitus...

Army researchers would do anything to keep this buried


It’s an experiment done in the 1950s, under the Government’s close supervision…


That has proven to be effective in shutting off the buzzing, clicking and ringing in the ears of 283 participants.


Watch this video before it’s too late!


It shows how to hush the sounds in your ears with a quick military fix.


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Change That Up was founded to help replace old habits with positive, healthy habits. It is our core belief that you have the power to #changethatup when we’re stuck in rut. You can do this by using our powerful daily insights delivered to your inbox.

We all grew up on the typical standard American diet. We followed the patterns and behaviors that we learned from everyone around us. When we all first started growing up and becoming adults, we started living a work life behind the desk. We got busy with life. We almost all fell out of any good habits that we had while growing up (this almost always happened unless you grew up in a home that taught good nutrition and healthy habits). As any adult in their 40s and 50s can relate, you feel a great amount of joy when you see your healthy habits create a life of freedom and happiness.
Through all the years of frustration, we eventually figured out that developing healthy habits requires surrounding yourself with positive influences that embody how you want to live. Here at Change That Up (with some help from our favorite health experts and practitioners along the way) we’ve developed a trusted newsletter that has helped thousands of men and women become better at living healthy, one positive change at a time. We give extra time and attention to break down big ideas into simplified, bite-sized insights for daily improvement.
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