It’s Time To Make A Change (Tip Below) Change That Up is a complimentary newsletter that specializes in helping people improve their overall health and is sent out once each day. You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in quality health tips. You can remove your email by clicking unsubscribe at any time.
Here's Today's Tip... The real secret to healthier eating. In order to improve your nutrition and boost your fat loss, you know that it’s important to make the best food choices possible the majority of the time. The only way to do that consistently is to positively shape your food environment. According to Cornell researcher Dr. Brian Wansink, the real secret to healthier eating isn’t about willpower; instead, it involves what he calls the “CAN” approach. Specifically, healthy foods should be convenient (visible and readily available), attractive (enticingly displayed), and normal (the obvious choice). How can you begin implementing a CAN-do attitude and boost your fat loss? You can start with these three simple tricks. In one study, Dr. Wansink found that the folks who have a fruit bowl in the house weigh, on average, 8 pounds less than their next-door neighbor who doesn’t. To be most effective, add at least two different types of fruit to the bowl and keep it in a high-traffic area. Other than your fruit bowl filled with colorful options, it’s a good idea to remove other foods from your kitchen counter. In one study, Dr. Wansink found that people who had chips or cookies visible weighed about 10 pounds more than people with bare counters. Even more surprising, folks who kept boxes of breakfast cereal on the counter weighed about 21 pounds more, and those people who had soft drinks on the counter weighed 25 pounds more! You may have heard this before, but eating off smaller plates really does make a tremendous difference. Dr. Wansink recommends using 9- to 10-inch plates, and his research suggests that downsizing from 12-inch to 10-inch plates reduces portion sizes by 22%. Embrace a CAN-do attitude, make one of these small changes today, and set yourself up for success! Now, before I go... I wanted to pass long a great resource, in fact some subscribers are calling it the "Holy Grail" of weight loss. Now, I realize that might be taking it to far LOL... However, I do think it can help you! I would like to introduce you to a colleague of mine Dr. Samuel Larson. Recently he discovered a shocking link between "gut damage" and persistent weight gain. And until you restore your "gut" with rare strains of good Bacteria, losing your pregnant-looking, bloated, constipated belly will continue being an uphill battle. See what's been stopping you from achieving your ideal, dream body. Click Here==> This Will Help You Have A Great Week, Change That Up