It’s Time To Make A Change (Tip Below) Change That Up is a complimentary newsletter that specializes in helping people improve their overall health and is sent out three times a week. You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in quality health tips. You can remove your email by clicking unsubscribe at any time.
Here's Today's Tip... 1 Critical nutrient… are you getting enough? Magnesium is vital for overall health, including the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Yet only one in three of us gets enough of this mineral... as reported by the Center for Mind-Body Medicine. Magnesium works like a “Spark Plug” for multiple processes in the body. It works in partnership with other nutrients as a important catalyst for more than 375 reactions that we need to keep our systems going strong. Let’s take a quick look at few things Magnesium does for your body… Heart Health – The heart is a muscle… and magnesium is vital to keeping our muscles healthy. Detoxification – The liver is your body’s detox workhorse, neutralizing and removing toxins from your system. Magnesium, along with other nutrients, helps the liver get the “garbage” to the curb. Insulin Regulation – Insulin can’t do its job of regulating sugar in the bloodstream without magnesium, which supports proper insulin secretion from the pancreas. Vitamin D Metabolism – Magnesium helps activate the enzymes that allow vitamin D to be absorbed in the body. Bone Health – Half of your body’s magnesium is stored in the bones, and the mineral is key to every aspect of bone health. If you are looking to increase your magnesium intake, here is a list of foods that can help. Almonds Spinach Avocado Cashews Oatmeal Halibut Black beans Peanut butter Edamame Bananas Low-Fat Yogurt I would advise to have a conversation with your family physician to make sure your magnesium intake is where it needs to be. To The Spark-Plug, Change That Up PS - If you've been told that you shouldn't eat after 7PM, you've been LIED to. In fact, if you want to lose the MOST weight, you MUST eat before bed... but the trick is knowing which foods fuel your fat burning metabolism as you sleep, as those that you must AVOID to starve away unwanted belly fat. Fortunately, my good friend and top nutritionist Joel Marion just wrote a brand new free report that you can download for free today showing you the 4 BEST foods to eat before bed and ALL the foods you must avoid at night if you ever want a flat belly. Download it an a few seconds here: ==> The 4 BEST foods to eat before bed